It's part of the pact I've made with myself, and to correct the major startitis I had for the past 6-7 months or so. I'm essentially working on six WIPs only now, in an effort to get my UFO count down to a more sane 5 or 6. And as with all good intentions, I'm going on another yarn diet because I went a big hog wild during May and this month. I don't really want to say exactly how much yarn is stashed around the house, especially to DH Rob.
Now, on to the WIPs!
First is my printed "silk" cardi from the Spring 2008 IK. Of course, it's not really silk, because then the yarn would've ended up costing about $600 or so (OK, more like $250). I've finished nearly all of it, so hopefully I'll assemble it by next week:
And here are the sleeves:
This project has been an exercise in pattern alterations, row gauges, math calculations and changes in stitches. It's been frustrating, but I've also learned a lot. And the color is, well, simply gorgeous - so all is forgiven. But the major lesson here is, ALWAYS swatch and ALWAYS check row gauge, too!
My sub yarn has been Valley Yarns Southwick, a yummy cotton/bamboo blend. Like with any bamboo fiber, it has a tendency to split, but I've loved working with this.
Second is the girls sundresses - one for Jenna and one for Nicole.
Here's what I've done so far with both:
Even though both of these dresses have been straight stockinette, with the potential to be mind-numbingly dull, both have been fun to knit. That's mostly because one has regularly changing color stripes, while the other has given me the opportunity to try new techniques - short rows, jogless stripes and the invisible provisional cast-on
The other aspect of these projects has been the yarns. Niki's is in cotton (Knitpicks Shine Worsted) while Jenna's is in linen (Louet Euroflax Sport Weight). It's true what I've heard about working with linen yarn - it's
like working with twine - not great, but I can't wait to see the final result after it's been washed. I haven't minded it at all. And the cotton - well, no feels wonderful.
I'll post more next week with the other three WIPs!