I've gotten plenty of knittting projects done since February. Jenna's dress is finally done - although now, it doesn't belong to Jenna. She has declared that she doesn't like dresses anymore - too girly, I suppose. Now it's Nicole's, and luckily she loves it. I'm also making here next one, and another after that. Jenna's willing to wear sweaters, though.
What have I done for myself lately? Well, there's this pullover from Custom Knits by Wendy Bernard (one of the best knitting books around, IMHO):
And now the emphasis is on vacation and gift knitting. At least two of my projects are aimed at having something for our trip to Hawaii in late July, and I'm making three different gifts for friends and family. One is actually a combination of vacation and gift - a table runner for my friend in Kauai. More pictures will be forthcoming!