I've finally returned after a, what, year-long absence. But I've got a new direction, new energy, new spirit. And just like I wrote a year ago, I'd like to still write about knitting, but I'll be focusing also on my new interests, and possibly new career directions - writing, photography and cooking. Maybe with a sprinkling of fitness, too.
That's why I've renamed the blog and put a new look on it too. In fact, I may even move it away from Blogger, because like a lot of people, I've realized its limitations.
I have finally gotten to a place where I have things I'd like to do and a plan (!) Yay! I just spent last weekend in Nashville at a workshop getting my photography started:
developing some travel writing ideas for articles, especially those focused on food, cooking new recipes and of course trying to get knitting projects done. NOT casting on. And lastly, I'm trying to learn French and Spanish again.
All while trying to be a semi-great mom, wife and school psych.
It's great to be back!