Thursday, December 22, 2011


There's a current commercial for Target on TV, showing different people getting their holiday preparations finished. I can almost join that group, after I wrap the girls' presents and deliver some cookies that were part of the project that started this week. So now I some bills, take some pictures, knit some projects. Oh, it never ends!

Another thing - I need to get back to real training. Unfortunately, we had a major snowstorm today, so that means I can't go on the streets (I could, but I would be spending most of the time avoiding falling on my butt three-quarters of the time). So it's time to hit the treadmill. Like right now.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time time for everything else (maybe)

Off of work for the next two weeks, so I'm hoping to get some writing and photography done. Of course, there is this little thing called the holidays that are upon us, and there is only one week left before Christmas (how did that happen???). So, even with my best intentions, I'm hoping that I can get an article written, another queried or submitted, and to get some photos submitted and accepted to a stock agency.

That's my best Christmas wish... :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The cookie project

Thank God for my extensive cookbook collection - and for Food I wouldn't know what to give to friends and the kids' friends' families for holiday gifts. So that's what I'll be doing about a week from today, getting immersed in sugar, flour and decorations to give something of good cheer. We don't expect anything in return. Really, that's not the point of the holidays. It just gives me satisfaction knowing I can put my cooking skills to good use.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A snowy start to December

Blowing snow blankets my view of the outside, so much that I cannot see the mountains situated a mere quarter mile away. Winter is here with a vengeance. Of course, it's not a snow day for my school district. There would have to be 8-10 inches more of the white stuff and about 10-15 degrees colder for them to even consider doing that.

But my monkey mind says "I wanna stay home!" That's also the California girl in me, the one who never had to deal with snow until I moved here nearly ten years ago. So it's off to work I go in a few hours here.

I'm getting back on track here with writing and photography, so I feel I can forgive myself for the black hole that was October and November. It would just be nice to hibernated for the day and not have to go outside... :)