Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I flew back to Colorado early (WAY early, waking up at 2:30 AM and leaving by 6) Sunday. I felt like I got hit by a truck, even with a two hour nap when Rob finally picked me up at Denver International and we drove home.

What can I say? Stitches West was way cool, so much I'd love to return next year or go to the one in Illinois. Of course, the Santa Clara Convention Center floor burst at the seams with fiber nuts like myself, to the point where I couldn't enjoy just browsing at all the luscious yarn and other necessary paraphenalia and the whole exercise became a test of sensory overload. I also only managed to make three purchases: one for an extra copy of Interweave Knits' current issue, the second for another skein of Handmaiden Sea Silk (a scarf for my sister), and a considerable purchase from WEBS' massive booth, which was practically half the marketplace.
Almost bought some qivuit (sp?), but just couldn't make the financial commitment...or the justification to Rob.

Nevertheless I loved being there, especially the two classes I took that centered on creating your own knitting from Sandi Rosman and Melissa Leapman. Both helped in building confidence and skill, plus they were just fun.

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